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The Union of Airport Managers of Central and West Africa (UGAACO) was created in June 2007 in Dakar.

Initially based in Cotonou, it was transferred to Dakar on March 16, 2017 under an agreement signed with the State of Senegal and the Union.

The Union of Airport Managers of Central and West Africa known as “UGAACO”, whose headquarters are in Dakar, Senegal, represented by Mr. KABORE Simon, in his capacity as Executive Secretary.

The Union of Airport Managers of Central and West Africa (UGAACO), brings together 23 airport managers grouped in 17 countries to date: Benin, Burkina, Cameroon, Central Africa, Congo, Ivory Coast, Gabon, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Equatorial Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Rwanda, Senegal, Chad and Togo.

It is composed of a Board of Directors, a General Assembly, and the Executive Secretariat, and maintains relations with the African Civil Aviation Commission (AFCAC), the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), ACI, ASECNA, AFRAA, and IATA.

The Société des Aéroports du Bénin (SAB-SA) is a Beninese single-member public limited company responsible, among other things, for the management of airports in the Republic of Benin. It is managed by a board of directors composed of a chairman and a general manager. Its operations are governed by the OHADA uniform acts concerning commercial companies and economic interest groups. Its head office is established in Cotonou.

The main mission of the Société des Aéroports du Bénin includes the design, implementation, operation and development of airport infrastructure, as well as the overall management of aeronautical activities at the national level. It is also dedicated to the development of industrial or service activities in the airport sector, the enhancement of its movable and immovable assets, the acquisition, operation or transfer of processes and patents related to its activities. In addition, it participates in related and complementary operations and carries out any industrial, commercial, economic or financial action in line with its objectives.

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