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With rapidly growing air traffic, African airports present significant opportunities for suppliers of airport equipment and services, alongside numerous infrastructure projects identified across the continent. To accommodate the projected traffic growth over the next twenty years, Africa must enhance its airport capabilities in terms of competitiveness, capacity, and sustainable development.

In pursuit of this goal, l’Union des Gestionnaires d’Aéroports d'Afrique Centrale et de l'Ouest (UGAACO) and Cotonou International Airport have taken the initiative to organize the World Exhibition on Airport Infrastructure, Equipment, and Services : SMIESA, aimed at strengthening the capacity of African airports and contributing to the development of over 150 airport platforms. It is worth recalling that various audits conducted by the international community have underscored the need to reinforce structures and improve the maintenance of infrastructure and equipment. Additionally, the construction and expansion of new airports require substantial personnel training.

To meet these demands and sustainably improve the efficiency of our airports, it is essential to ensure better management of our equipment, infrastructure, and services, in a context where Africa, must integrate technologies predominantly developed in the developing countries.


Organized to foster the development of African airports, SMIESA aims to:

  • Connect airport professionals with suppliers of airport equipment and services

  • Share best airport practices implemented in Africa

  • Promote the development of aviation-related professions, tourism, and the continent’s image

  • Showcase African airports and associated services (handling, catering, equipment suppliers, manufacturers, training schools, maintenance centers, etc.)

This exhibition presents an opportunity to expand relationships and deepen knowledge within the global airport community.

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